Stardust Stereo

Mercury Retrograde

June 17, 2020 Parker McPhinney
Stardust Stereo
Mercury Retrograde
Show Notes Transcript

A look at Mercury in Cancer turning retrograde at 14 degrees 46 mins on the 17th of June.  The mischief maker will station direct on July 12th at 5 degrees and 30 mins. 

Remember the 'RE'  words. They are your friends now.  

I take a look at each sun sign and how it can use this time frame to your advantage. 

As Above so Below!

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Mercury Retrograde 

Hello and welcome to Stardust Stereo, as above, so below. Today we are going to be talking about Mercury retrograde. I’m Parker McPhinney, I am your host, and I am so happy to be to be able to tell you, that you don’t need to worry or fret, or go into hiding. Because Mercury goes retrograde many times during the year, and its actually an opportunity for us to “re-do” things. 

This particular mercury retrograde cycle will however have much more punch to it, because during this process of it appearing to go backwards in the sky, we are also going to be dealing with eclipses, two of them as a matter of fact. Two more, we’ve already had one. And many other planets are also currently retrograde. So everything in the Universe right now is pointing to going inward. As Mercury is appearing to the naked eye to going backwards, what we usually always say- we astrologers, is that you do all the “RE” things when Mercury is retrograde.  You clean out the closets, you re-write the contract, you redecorate, you review. Anything that is dealing with “RE” really fits that energy, so it’s a great time to utilize: “as above, down here below”.

So, today what we are going to go into greater detail with is how Mercury retrograde will affect each sun sign.  If you happen to know your ascendant or rising sign you can also apply this to that as well. 

But first I want to talk a little bit about Mercury retrograde in Cancer and this is starting for us on June 17th, Mercury will do the flip on that date and as goes retrograde on that date it will trigger a lot of emotions, because Mercury in cancer is an emotional water sign. It deals very much with memory. It will be very common for the period of the three weeks in which its retrograde- which it will be retrograde from the 17th until the 12th of July.  During that time you may take a little trip down memory lane more so than you normally do. And also during that time you’ll get a chance, like I said earlier to re-do, and re-think, and re-calculate, and even if you want do a re-verse mortgage.  Because Mercury in the sign of Cancer naturally would fall under housing.  So, given the circumstances in America and the world right now, a lot of people are rethinking their housing situation. They’re contemplating whether or not they want to move, or maybe a different part of the country might be better for them, closer to home (family), closer to a new job. Because a lot of people are looking for a new job. 

So the first thing to keep in mind is, as Mercury is retrograde its all the inner work that we do. Mercury by its very rulership- rules our thoughts. It rules the mind, it rules contracts, it rules brothers and sisters, it rules the community. So with that in mind, this is the perfect time to really reach out and get to know your neighbor, or get to know the new neighbor if you do a relocation. One thing that I have found is that if people make decisions during the retrograde period and if they don’t do the number one rule which is- you triple check, and cross all the t’s and dot at the end of the sentence. If you don’t really do your homework, you may find that after the planet Mercury stations direct in July, that maybe you missed something, or didn’t have all the information right when you made that move. So sometimes it’s a much more beautiful time to contemplate, do the research, but not actually do the physical moving or signing of the contract at that time, unless you absolutely have to. And this is especially true because in conjunction with this Mercury retrograde period we have the eclipses which are full and new moons with sunglasses on. Which is a secondary notice that we don’t have all the information, that things are changing so much, and so rapidly that we may feel differently just a couple of months down the line. 

So unless you absolutely have to make a decision during this three week period, it’s really best to just gather all your data, gather all the feelings and emotions that the family has before you make a substantial move and if you do have to make a finite decision during this period you just do your homework triple time over. 

Now we are going to start with the water signs, because Mercury is turning retrograde in Cancer and that’s a water sign. So, like I said, some of the great words we can utilize are re-do, remove, restructure, rebuild, reverse mortgage, and relax. Also- learning to relax in this changing time is a real art form in itself.  Rejuvenate, recalculate, reunite, restore, redecorate, recoup, recovery, all the re’s. 

And for the Cancer sun sign this is going to be best applied to your physical self.  And to your outlook in life. And looking at this situation of history, in the making, that is happening right now, and seeing how you can best apply it to nurturing the self. And getting rid of all the bad thoughts, or the negative thoughts, or the fearful thoughts that you have, and allowing yourself to start anew. So, you are going to feel this Mercury retrograde the most powerful, because it is happening in the same sign as your sun sign- cancer. So there might be changes in the physical home, there will be a really strong tendency to look to the past and be gentle with yourself, that is my main advice, be gentle with yourself during this period.

The second water sign is Scorpio. That Mercury retrograde is in a beautiful trine to your sun sign. It’s a great period for you to reengage your higher studies, your beliefs, thoughts about other cultures, justice, partner’s beliefs, and it’s in a flowing trine, so it really encourages dialogue and some back and forth about how other people live, why they feel like they do. How we can better get along.

Pisces is the third water sign. Mercury in Cancer is also trine to that sun sign. This fall in your fifth house, this retrograde, so romance and play and going through older creative processes and adding a new element. Exploring what the concept of love is to you. Contemplating whether or not to live/move-in with your lover would be very a classic energy use of this Mercury retrograde happening in your fifth house. It’s going to flow fairly well, and it can be fun and you can actually also excel at any kind of word games, having to do with writing or restructuring your story. If you are a writer, adding new chapters, bring up characters from the past maybe that you’ve used and reintroducing them into a new story line. Pisces also deals with music, and dance and painting, just by its very nature. So all of those areas will really have a great B12 shot with this Mercury retrograde and you might find yourself doing a little retro and going back other time periods and seeing what you can learn creatively from those previous masters. 

The fire signs- the fire signs are Leo, Sagittarius, and Aries. So we will start with Leo.

Leo is dealing with this Mercury retrograde in the twelfth house. That is the retreat silent house. That the place where you go and recharge. The patio maybe, or even a club house, or your little secret club house. So this Mercury retrograde really says restore. And it will make a fairly easy relationship with your sun sign. It is thirty degrees (from it). So you should be very comfortable with allowing yourself to rest during this Mercury retrograde period. At certain points, resting even more than you maybe normally would. And this is where the creative can begin to percolate. That (then) after mercury goes direct you can bring it out for the world to see and shine with the new ideas that happen when they were in sort of  the incubator, per-se. 

Sag- (Sagittarius) Sag, the Mercury retrograde is in a little bit of a tense relationship to your sun sign. It falls in the 8th house. That’s the house of taxes, home write-offs, wills, concepts about sex, loans, and unemployment benefits. So a review of all those areas will be in order for Sagittarius.

Aries, the Mercury retrograde is going to be in a square to your sun sign and its going to fall in your fourth house. So you are working on the home, the family tree, compromises in words, compromises in contracts.  Also fourth house deals with the mother. So you might create more of a dialogue with the mother. Or maybe you’re thinking about becoming a mother, and you’re unsure about being a mother. So the Mercury retrograde, as it goes back and forth you contemplate maybe having a family is not the best time to start. But it is a great time to have the discussions, so I am not going to say it is or isn’t a great to start a family. The retrograde period time just says that you need to revaluate that and be real clear.  The whys and the hows and the ways you will start a new family at this time in the world, when the world is just so unsure. Maybe it is going to reinforce the desire to have a family structure. 

Now, the earth signs. The earth signs are Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn. 

Mercury retrograde falls in your third house for Taurus, and that is brothers and sisters, that is paperwork, that is the car, transportation, the mind, writing.  One thing that is really classic for everybody during a Mercury retrograde period is that they have issues with technology or cars. But as it is falling in the sign of Cancer, which deals with the home, and nurturing and diet, I think that those are the areas that we are going to see a predominate re-planning about. You know re-organizing the home, restructuring the diet. Reviewing what nurturing is. Thinking about family, how to reconnect with family with six feet apart. So as Mercury is retrograde in Taurus’s third house, it really says make a plan, but that plan flexible, allow yourself to change that plan. Maybe you want to change neighborhoods. Maybe you want to jump over to a different neighborhood and get to know the people there. Maybe you’re contemplating living in a place that is completely different to where you live now. Also, it’s also good to bring some love and color into your life. So, I would allow a lot of the lightness of Mercury in Cancer retrograde to sort of enter my being by reading good works that uplift. Listening to music that is maybe from my past when things were more solid, so it brings you a sense of security. 

Virgo, the next earth sign. Mercury is in a sextile to your sun sign, and it falls in your eleventh house. And that is friends, long term plans, networking, money from business. It rules the social house, how you get followers on Instagram, or on Facebook or on starting your new website. This Mercury retrograde may actually have you reach back and find friends from the past that you’ve not been in touch with. And I have mentioned this before in pervious podcasts, because so many planets are retrograde it really is a great time to reach back and make sure that all our friends from the past are ok, no matter what our sun sign. 


The third earth sign is Capricorn. And Mercury retrograde will be in an opposition to your Sun. And so it falls in your seventh house and it deals with partnerships, business partnerships and romantic. And the details of agreements that you’ve made. So you might go over and restructure some of those agreements. Look and see how you might add a clause more beneficial to both parties at this time.


Now let’s talk about the air signs.  Libra, Aquarius, and Gemini are the air signs. 

We’ll start with Libra. So Mercury retrograde falls in your tenth house and it is in square to your sun sign. That deals with your standing in the community, your boss, your father, also it is a great time to review if you deserve a raise. So you do your own review and then you pitch it. It is also a period when might walk back a previous statement or comment you made in public. Because now you have more information, or maybe during this retrograde period you’ve re-thought what you said before.  We‘re going to see a lot of politicians, do this – whether they are Libras or not! This is a time of reflection of what we think – why we think. 

The next air sign is Aquarius, next air sign.  And the Mercury retrograde is in an inconjunct- that is 150 degrees from your sun sign. That is not really a comfortable aspect, but it is good for working, good for the workbench. The 150 degree is to me is like the workbench where you get out in the woodshed and trying to figure out your plan of what you want to repair or what you want to create. And it takes some muscle grease. So that is how I view the 150 relationship, the inconjunct, so it’s not comfortable, also because Mercury in Cancer deals with emotions, and Aquarius as a general rule, is much more comfortable in the head, and not overtly dealing with dramas or high emotions. So, if people are feeling extremely emotional in your circle – you have an opportunity to kind of check in and not go through your emotions with your intellect, but really allow yourself to feel, even for just a short while, the various emotions that you are having even in regard to how other people are maybe over dramatic. You know? So you might also check in with your diet, with pets and their needs, and your every day work, what is sustaining you, what you need to add to your work day, if you are working from home- to feel more nurtured. 


Then the last air sign is Gemini. And Gemini is in a thirty degree relationship with Mercury retrograde and that is a comfortable one. It’s not a stretch, but this Mercury retrograde falls in your second house. So you might have a delay with that check, or you might of over looked a benefit that you’re qualifying for. You also might also think about taking on an extra job, or have dual roles in the current job that you are working in, if you are working. Or even if you’re not employed right now, you’re still working in the day in- day out of how the things we have to do, and how we get things done in our everyday life of existence. If it means going to the grocery store and having to be extra cautious or to the laundry mat and making sure we disinfect our hands. You know, just not letting down our guard, and being really super diligent and wearing a mask during this time. I am a really strong proponent of WEARING THE MASK! I think it slows down the virus; it protects you, and shows respect for others. 

So the other things that I want to say about the Mercury retrograde is- that it is not to be feared. It is just a time for review, and it’s also a time for relaxing. And just enjoying this period as crazy as it is that we are in life. And really reaching out to family, because Mercury in Cancer is about the family ties, and how we mother others and how mother ourselves. So this period when we have so conflict in our country, so much changing, the lifting up of other people is needed now. And we see this; we see how parts of our society have been not given a fair shake, or not regarded in the manner that they should. Now we have an opportunity to change culturally what is been NEEDED to change, the restructuring has been needed for decades and decades. So now is a perfect time with the Mercury retrograde to kind of review across the board in our personal life, in our community, and in all of America. How we can change to make the world a better place, our world a better place, and bring peace and love. 

I am Parker McPhinney. I thank you for tuning in. I wish you a happy Mercury retrograde period. I want to mention Sicilliana Trevino for helping me get this podcast up, I wouldn’t be able to do it without her! I also want to mention that you can go to the site- that’s K-I-T-C-H-E-N –S-A-R-I  dot com and go to the links and there is a golden caldron and you can make a donation. Or you can go to my Patreon site- Parker McP that is underneath this podcast link and become a Patron. I send out lots of written material every month. Thank you for tuning in, and remember….