Stardust Stereo

Healing of America

July 02, 2020 Parker McPhinney
Stardust Stereo
Healing of America
Show Notes Transcript

The Healing of America can be assisted by Mars. The action planet has just entered Aries for the next six months. Will America face this crisis with maverick energy or like a teenager in denial? 

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Healing of America    #4 Episode   July 1 2020 

Greetings and welcome to Stardust Stereo, As Above, So below. I’m Parker McPhinney, I’m a professional astrologer, and I am your host. Today we’re going to talk about how to heal. America needs to learn now how to heal. We’re in the middle of a pandemic, and we’ve got people in our country that don’t want to take the medicine to get well. To get well means to wear a mask, that’s the medicine. It’s pretty simple. And it’s not painful, it’s not like your getting stuck by a needle and getting a vaccine.  Just wear a mask when you’re out in public. 

You know I really felt this was important to discuss this and look at the astrology of what is going on, because, as I read social media I see a lot of people don’t take this serious. They feel like their freedom is being taken away. And I really have a hard time understanding somebody’s lack of awareness, and lack of ability to do a simple of saving their neighbor, their loved ones, and helping America heal, because America cannot get back on track until we clearly understand our situation. And so we have “a failure to communicate”, (is) what seems to be happening! It truly does. 

The crux of the issue is that we don’t want to grow up, that’s really the crux of the issue. America is about to turn Two-hundred and forty-four years, but we’re really acting like a thirteen year old. Not all of us, obvious. But so many people in this country are acting like thirteen year olds. And unfortunately, where we look to get leadership, we’re not getting leadership; we are from Governor Cuomo, thank you very much and many other governors, but from the oval office we are not getting leadership. And we’re not getting a really true picture of how dire the situation is. And it’s about to truly go like wildfire.

We have the planet Mars that has just entered into the zodiac sign Aries. That’s a fire sign, that’s a “me-first”, pioneering, lead the troops. The stars are with us in taking the situation head on, looking at it straight in the eye, and creating a strategy to win this war; we are in a war, with an invisible enemy.   And this invisible enemy can only be beaten or conquered, or dissolved if everybody participates. Or at least the majority of the people of this county, and in the world decide to hold hands. And be strong and be united and WEAR A MASK! I’ll be saying that a lot through this podcast, just pushing it in your subconscious so that you dream that the right thing to do is to wear a mask. If you in your waking state have trouble with that concept of protecting yourself and others. 

So, Mars is in Aries, and it just went into Aries, and its moving toward the planet, well- some astrologers don’t see this planet that I am about to speak on, Chiron, as a planet, but I do. And I’ve tracked it for a number of years in my clients’ charts and I see it very active as a Maverick, and mover and shaker and healer; that’s the key words for Chiron. So as Mars conjuncts Chiron we get a real clear picture of how we heal and the strategy, and methods and any inventions that come between now and this ongoing crisis. How we implement, how we beat this- really has to be taken to the next level. And the next level is a desire to heal. Because you can’t get believe to act as one unit if they don’t want to. This has to come from within your own heart. So as Mars, and your own brain, hopefully too, listening to the science. So, you know the Mars moves through Aries and its moving toward Chiron where it will conjunct Chiron on July 14th and that’s actually pretty far away when we’re talking about what could happen in the next fourteen days with the spread of the virus, which right now is just on fire. 

So I am looking at the stars and my thought is that as Mars starts to activate various planets there will be a continual discussion and in some circles arguments, but as it gets closer to a conjunction to Chiron the wounded healer on July 14th, I think that a good portion of this country will be aware that we cannot afford to stay in denial any longer. 

The planet Venus in the sign of Gemini, and I did a previous podcast about Venus in Gemini. And that’s a great link up for communication. And that is ultimately what has to happen. Communications of even more of in-depth spread, to reach pockets where people don’t – maybe- don’t hear the science. Maybe they are tapped into some dialogue of untruth about this virus. And the sad fact is, that when someone they love, close to them, when they get a first hand experience, through a loved one, or through themselves, which I hope does not happen, but if they do, there is no greater teacher than direct experience. And that will change an attitude about a mask in a split second. But we don’t have to go there. We can take three simple steps right now to turn this thing around. 

Understanding our situation, that’s the first step.  And understanding comes under the planet of Mercury. And Mercury is in cancer right now and it’s actually lined up with the Sun today.  So the More our leaders, at the top, can start to retract their words- and if they’ve said “No, if you want to wear a mask it’s up to you. I’m not wearing one. Well, they need to like, review that statement, undo that statement and encourage our population to wear a mask. It’s just so simple. One little sentence; “PLEASE WEAR A MASK AMERICANS”, from the top of our country, from the oval office, one sentence could save tens of thousands of lives and that is not an over dramatic statement, that’s the truth; so, understanding our situation.

Next step- everybody has to be involved. That is where Mars comes in, because Mars is about action.  So everybody has to be involved and then we get tracing off the ground, which is really great with Mars in Aries, for tracing- that’s fantastic. And since Mars will be in Aries until January 2021, yes.  IT is usually six weeks in a sign; this transits of Mars in Aries will be six months because it goes retrograde. And because of that placement for that extended period of time, one of the forecasts that I have, is that we truly won’t get a grip on this until 2021. It may ebb and flow a little bit in the fall, but its head has been reared, and depending on every individual, how serious they take it, that will actually depend whether we can use Mars in Aries as rebuilding this country, or use Mars in Aries in other ways, trying to – or continuing to have debates about whether or not you should wear a mask, as people are dying, that you love. That seems like a waste of Mars in Aries energy to me.  It seems much more pro-active to get everyone on the plate, wearing a mask, and then take that Mars energy and utilize full throttle force to a vaccine. 

And that brings we do another issue, just briefly, that I want – that I wish to address. America’s culture is monetary based. And by that statement what I mean is, the psyche of America, has this issue of money equals success, money equals love, money love equals that I am important.  Money is not the equal to your value as a human being. Your value as a human being is just the fact that GOD gave you breath. Divine gave you breath, the great spirit, whatever name you want to call;  ALLAH, JESUS, DIVINE, FATHER SKY, THE GREAT ONE, THE UNSPOKEN NAME. You were given life. And that- is your greatest wealth is your very life, your existence.  

And I read yesterday that a company now has got the rights to the vaccine and it maybe think about the Polio vaccination, and how we had a whole different attitude about healing then. And not in a different situation with this virus, then we were with the Polio virus and this should be something that is shared with the world. That’s my personal opinion. But that is also where America needs to grow up. So, as Mars is in Aries and it goes forward through the degrees we are going to see several weeks of intensification of this virus and it’s up to each individual to use the higher component of communication in Gemini (Venus) in the most loving way possible. Really press a case for those naysayers to get on board to help us fight this horrible disease that morphs in to so many ways, that it can harm a physical body. And even if you get well, you can have a compromised system for the rest of your life. And this is not necessary dependant on your age either. 

Then the third thing- that is the most important, first- understanding our situation, second- everyone get involved, third- a desire to heal. And that is at the core, because if it’s in the heart- I want to help America heal, I want to be strong for my family, I want to be alive for my loved ones, you know if that desire is there, you are going to take these small little steps. And they’re not huge steps. You know, wearing a mask, six feet apart, and not gathering in concert filled arenas, stadiums. You know these simple, simple steps-that are your medicine. The mask is your medicine. 

Now another astrological transit that is happening today, which is rather important, that can aid us in this. And that’s Jupiter in the sky that rules how you relate, is conjunct Pluto. And Pluto always goes to the center depth- deeper than you ever thought possible. And they’re holding hands today. And as Jupiter lines up with Pluto, we really need to come out with one simple message and hammer that one home, to the point of being redundant, so that it goes into the psyche and the subconscious of everybody (so that)  that they are dreaming of masks; and their dreaming also of a healed country. Because- the country cannot economically get back on a sound footing until its safe for people to go out. 

The other thing that I want to say is that as Mercury is retrograde and will continue to be retrograde until the 12th of July. It’s going to be in a tense relationship with Mars. And on the 8th of July Mars and Mercury – (Mercury and Mars) we usually say Mercury (first) because it’s the faster moving planet, is in a square to Mars being the slower moving planet. So Mars in a square- oh, excuse me, Mercury in a square to Mars is a tense aspect, but it’s an aspect-- all the hard aspects- the opposition is a hard aspect, a square is a hard aspect, the inconjunct is a hard aspect- these difficult relationship within the planets indicate tension, but through tension there is stimulation and through stimulation the mental awareness is activated. So dialogue can happen, and it can be a productive dialogue it doesn’t have to be an argumentative dialogue. But just know that this first week of July is going to be filled with so much strong passion. And try to watch your words. Try to think in terms of what will help us get on a steady path. And also Mercury is lined up with the Sun and that gives awareness. So we’ve got this combined energy that shows that this first week in July we can get on another track. I am an optimistic (person) by nature, but having spent some time on social media- I can clear sort of say- in a direct way- I think we are going to have to hit rock bottom before people wake up. I wish that I didn’t think that the planets are going to play out that way but I do.  I think that a lot more people are going to die before there is a total wake up.  The total wake up will come, but it’s going to come at a cost. So if you’re an aware person, and by aware what I mean is that you know this virus is real. You know that this virus can not only kill, it can damage in ways that you don’t want anybody to suffer through for the rest of their life. And so if you are aware, try to press that point out there. And especially if you gather with people over the 4th of July, just emphasize, the love we can show by the simple act of wearing a mask. The 4th of July is really going to be important for this country. This Two Hundred and forty-four birthday is astronomically a turning point, because there is a Lunar Eclipse in the evening for America on our birthday. This is on the west coast it will be at 9:44 pm, on the east coast it will be into the early wee hours of the 5th.  But the symbolism of a Lunar Eclipse happening on America’s birthday is not lost to me. The moon represents the pubic and it’s in the sign of Capricorn. And there is a serious attitude amongst our population, and it’s going to get even more serious as the year goes on.  And so we have a choice before us. We have a choice- and I hoping that we make the choice to heal, that we choice that we make the choice to come together. So that’s all I am going to talk about right now, I’ll be doing an in-depth podcast about the Lunar and how it affects America and what I see in America’s Solar Return chart. 

But today on the last day of June, I just want to encourage to you understand our situation, help be involved, and show through action a desire to heal. 

I would also like to mention that there are different layers, different tiers that you can become a patron. They are 5, 10, and 20 dollars a month. I send out a lot of written material in addition to the podcasts. Or you can go to my website- that is the word Kitchen and then S-A-R-I  (like the Indian dress) .com -  all one word- I have a Golden Caldron on my links page, you can drops some coins in there if you feel so inclined. 

I want to remind you that you are made of STARDUST, so go shine!

(c) Parker McPhinney 2020
All Rights Reserved.