Stardust Stereo

Saturn enters Aquarius

December 18, 2020 Parker McPhinney
Stardust Stereo
Saturn enters Aquarius
Show Notes

In this episode I discuss Saturn entering the sign of Aquarius.
 We've been here before- just last March, Saturn was in Aquarius for a few months before retrograding back into Capricorn.  Prior to that, the last time Saturn entered Aquarius was on February 7th, 1991.
  Saturn takes twenty-nine years to go through the entire zodiac and remains in each sign two and half years.  Saturn, the taskmaster planet will remain in Aquarius until March of 2023.  Plenty of time to learn the lessons that will  present themselves; namely, how to be responsible to the planet and mankind.  Aquarius deals with the brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind!
 Most people have heard of their first “Saturn Return" (Transiting Saturn returns to the place it was when you were born) between the age of 28-30.  This is when you are considered an adult in astrological terms.
 It is my view that we all are learning to become "Adults" in the age of Covid-19.  Saturn in Aquarius  will shine a light on how we are all connected and need to protect each other through our behavior.
 If you'd like a personal reading on how this planet's movement into Aquarius can illuminate opportunities and responsibilities - please check out my astrology website for details.

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 Thank you for listening!
 Remember~ You are made of Stardust, Go Shine!

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